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In Person Lessons

Lessons focusing not only on the horses way of going but also on how the rider can improve their posture and balance will improve the partnership further still. The more correctly horse and rider work together, the more likely it is that natural horse and rider asymmetry can be reduced and beneficial muscle structures can be developed.


One of my most influential instructors worked solely on improving my position and balance without focusing on my horse’s way of going. We went from bolting headlong out of dressage and around show jumping arenas or xc courses and several bad falls to successfully competing in Combined Training Championships at Hickstead, Junior BS Open classes and Pony Club Eventing Championships.
By improving my riding skills my horse was able to improve his way of going, therefore improving our partnership and our competition results - dramatically!" Jayne 
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The correct riding position

Flatwork lessons


For all ages and abilities of horse and rider. Whether you just want to improve your confidence, riding skills and your horses correct way of going, or as a competitive rider looking to improve your results by developing arena skills for the competition - be it dressage, jumping or eventing.


Poles & Cones

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Poles and cones / Small grids​

These sessions focus on improving:​

  • Suppleness

  • Straightness

  • Balance 

  • Proprioception

  • Quality of gait

  • Horse’s focus

  • Response to aids

  • Technique

  • Confidence

  • Rider timing and accuracy

  • Horse  & rider communication


Jump Lessons 

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Gymnastic exercises / Course Jumping techniques 

Jumping and gymnastic exercises work alongside flat work to develop suppleness, balance, strength and communication.


Grid work lessons focus on developing a balanced confident approach and correct form over fences. Whilst lessons using a full course of jumps help to develop course riding skills and therefore become more competitive.

Up your %


Targeted to improve your test riding skills for dressage and eventing. These sessions focus primarily on; the accuracy of movements, presentation of test and improving confidence (from the partnership). Overall we will look at:


  • Freedom and regularity of paces

  • Contact

  • Rhythm

  • Tempo

  • Suppleness

  • Straightness


  • Position

  • Balance

  • Straightness

  • Accuracy

  • Effective riding/ use of aids


  • Correct tack/dress

  • Warm up/cool down

  • Test learning 

test riding
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