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Why choose online lessons for training?

Lessons are a vital way to improve your riding skills but having to be at a certain place at an agreed time, not even taking into consideration our ever rapidly changing weather, lessons can be difficult to arrange. Particularly if you have to travel. 


By offering online lessons you can choose when and where to ride (and pick suitable weather conditions) without having to commit to the restrictions of a booked lesson time. 

online lesson image 3.jpg

Whether you are looking for pointers to improve your flatwork, advice on improving your jumping technique, wanting to become a more confident pleasure rider (and anything in-between!), or if your horse is currently only doing groundwork due to age, injury or rehabilitation, my online lessons can help. 


But it doesn't just have to be 'just' lessons. I can help you prepare for dressage competitions. Simply record a video of your practice test, send it to me and I will analyse it, suggesting ways to improve it before your competition day.

How does it work?

All new clients will start with an 'initial assessment' - a 15-30 min video and complete a horse/rider info form 

I will make notes as I watch your video,  providing feedback and 'homework' exercises to practice with a feedback section for you to complete

Record your session and email it to me

​Your independent riding skills will improve as you implement my feedback and exercises 

Book and pay for your online session


Initial Assessment

Call or email me for an initial chat to 'book in'. I will email you a rider & horse information sheet for you to complete and return to me. This resource will give me a valuable insight into your partnership. 

Please read 'Video hints and tips' before filming your first video. 

Initial Assessment Feedback

I will watch your initial assessment video and complete my 'feedback form' which includes 3 key exercises for you and your horse. I will email this form to you. Practise the exercises, complete your feedback section, return to me, I will then advise you as to what I would like to see in your next video.


The regular lesson cycle

Regular Online Lessons

Once you have completed your initial assessment, lessons operate in a similar way to 'normal' lessons:


  • Decide how long you want your first/next lesson to be

  • Book and pay for your session (so I know when to expect your video).

  • Record your training session (using the suggested exercises from your feedback form) and upload the video to YouTube (set as private) and then email me the private YouTube link.

  • I will send you an email to confirm I have received the video and confirmation of your feedback date. I will give you a feedback date usually within 48hrs of receiving your video

Lesson Feedback

Just like with the initial assessment, as I watch your video I will record observations on my feedback sheet. I will then add on relevant exercises for both you and your horse. [See sample feedback sheet]. 


You should incorporate these exercises into your routine and report back using the client feedback sheet before your next session.

Initial assessment
intial feedback

Video hints and tips

What to include in your first video


  • film in LANDSCAPE, only use portrait when filming directly from behind or in front eg; centre lines

  • zoom in and out on horse and rider so that I can observe all aspects of your work

  • avoid filming directly into the sun

  • show all the paces you are working in (if you compete at dressage a test at your current level could be included)

  • circles (film from inside and out)

  • loops and changes of direction

  • centre lines (filmed from front and rear)

  • don't forget to give your horse rest breaks, these can be edited out

  • let me see all of your session, do not edit out the 'bad bits'

  • a short review from you of your lesson (what you thought went well etc)



Video tips
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